Featured Music
Solo Guitar
“If I should lose you”
Selection from Peter Martin’s senior recital on April 14th at Demonstration Hall
Peter Martin Nonet
“No Doubt”
Selection from Peter Martin’s senior recital on April 14th at Demonstration Hall
Peter Martin Nonet
“the bears dream”
Selection from Peter Martin’s senior recital on April 14th at Demonstration Hall
Joseph Herbst Sextet
“The Apocalypse is Easier to Imagine”
The suite this song from is entitled “from the shadows” and explores themes of hope, toxic positivity, and imagination. This project originated as an alternative means of creating music with this band in lieu of an in person tour. We recorded are parts from are own homes, piecing them together in the video that you now see. The piece is one 38-minute long composition with individual sections that you can find below.
A sonic journey exploring the issues of our time
Get your copy today
Joseph Herbst Sextet
“This is Our Environment”
A series of songs exploring societal and environmental issues of our time. Masterful composition, improvisation, and spoken word create a compelling and uplifting experience.